Thursday, September 11, 2008

Home Coming

So its been two weeks since I was called to Texas to check in on my grandfather and the rest of the family. Good news is everyone is doing fine now. It looks like I'm getting ready to head back to L.A. in the next day or so once we get everything finalized here. Our crew begins production on another film starting next week. Updates to The Cypherian will be coming very soon after I get back. Before leaving I turned the film over to our sound designer and composer. Its been almost two weeks since I touched the film, and I'm a little anxious to put the final touches on before it is sent out to festivals.

Also come this winter I will be starting work on writing the feature length version of the film for my thesis project. I do not plan to shoot the feature right away, but as it is part of my graduation requirement I figure why not get a jump start on it. I think for my second year project I'll go back to an original short. I've been kicking around some ideas with crew members, and a comedy seems to be where we are heading. I've never written one so I am excited to be out of my element a bit. I've worked on several comedies, but nothing of my own. I'll keep everyone updated as to the progress on that one. Now onward!