Monday, April 27, 2009

New Project Underway

Hey everyone!

Tri-Seven Pictures launches into pre-production on its next short film project entitled "Cause for Divorce". check out the new Blog and be sure to check in for updates throughout the summer.

Now onward!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cast Returns

Almost a year since production began on the film, the cast was brought together again. This time to talk about the characters and story they took part in creating. While this project is but one of many we hope to produce from the interviews with the cast, this once focuses on the cast member's take on "The Cypherian" and their view on the different characters portrayed in the film.

It was great to see everyone again as Tri-Seven Pictures gears up for its next project this summer. More news on that in the coming months, but today we take a look into film's back story. Hope you all enjoy watching it as much as I do.

Now onward!


Monday, April 6, 2009

New & Old Friends Plus Tri-Seven Gets Animated!

Hello everyone.

This week I got to spend some time with fellow Alaskan filmmakers Levi Taylor and my old friend Mike Collier as they, and the majority of their cast, journeyed to L.A. to open the screening of their film "Way Up North" at the Beverly Hills Film Festival. The audience response was awesome! The film took home the award for BEST EDITING and the BEST SHORT FILM OF 2009. Congrats to all those involved.

These group of filmmakers is a great example of what Alaska has to offer the film making community. Levi Taylor has brought a great vision of the North to the people in the lower 48 and I wish him and his crew all the best. L.A. has seen what he can do, and now perhaps the rest of the world can to. Check out the trailer at their website.

In other news Tri-Seven Pictures now has its animated logo up and running.A big thanks to designers Jory Hyman, Jody Willard, and Will Ogilve for their work in putting the design together. So remember to check out "Way Up North" and keep your own ideas coming!

Now Onward!