Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Score

Well today I sat down with our composer, Christy Carew, and listened to the latest tracks she has composed for the score of The Cypherian. I think everyone is going to be very impressed with her creativeness and hard work. The opening of the film really sets a great tone for the rest of the movie. Christy has worked very hard to give us a dramatic and exciting score to the film and she isn't done yet. Along with the opening I've heard the two musical pieces that set the mood for the middle of the film. As the explanation of our Hero's past and call to action begin to fall into place. I also got to sample elements to our antagonist's theme and the music which accompanies our lead actress. I can not wait to hear the rest of the score, and I know Christy is excited and anxious to continue working on the project.

I have also been working on our festival schedule. Reading just about every guide book and magazine article to determine where we will apply and hopefully succeed in bringing The Cypherian to the world. If anyone has suggestions please let me know. It really is amazing how many festivals there are in just North America alone. Luckily, through websites and information from former attendees, I have got a dozen right now with more to be researched in the time frame we hope to finish the film.

That is all for now, and I hope everyone is having a great Fall season so far. Until next time....Now Onward!


Monday, October 6, 2008

Screening Date Set for the New York Film Academy

Well everyone the film finally has a screening date with the NYFA on Friday Nov. 21 at 6pm on the Universal Studios Back Lot. The film will be shown as part of the Jan. 2008 Class presentation of their Year-One Projects. As for the film we have completed ADR work and are in Foley and Soundtrack preparations. Color grading and cinematic tweaks have been added to the film and we are just awaiting the final touches to make the movie complete. Right now we are running about 18mins which is great considering the original cut was quite larger than that. Also a festival schedule is being put together this week for distribution next month. Fun for all so be sure to sign up for the screening if you are not part of the cast and crew, but want to see it anyway. Just shoot me a comment or email and I'll see about getting you on the guest list once it becomes available to me. Thanks everyone. Now Onward!


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Some Changes and Finalizations

Hello all!

Well to give everyone an update to where we are. Yesterday our Cinematographer,
SΓΈren Viuf and I, sat down and applied the color correction and anamorphic aspect ratio to the film. Our goal was to shoot the film in a 35mm framing for two reasons. 1) If we ever decide to output onto a 35mm print, which would be cool, then the job is down for us. 2) It really gives the film a great look in the end. All voice overs have been recorded and our sound designer, Will Ogilvie, is currently working on sound effects, Foley, and awaiting the final touches to the sound track. Christy has been working hard to get a sound track to us over the last month and I got to here a sample the other day. She has put something amazing together for this film, and I really really can not wait to hear the final score. We also made some shot changes to the current film. Nothing that moves the film around, but different takes from the same scenes. This was for both visual and audio quality of the film.

As for a screening the NYFA has not set a final date on their end, but since it looks like we might be having it either the week before Thanksgiving or the first week of December. To me neither of these options is acceptable. So I've decided to start looking for a small venue to host my own screening of the final product in Early November. I'm also starting on a festival calender for submission which start around the same time. So this week has been a busy one getting back and working on the film. We are getting close to the final product and getting back in the class room before winter break. Exciting times.
Now onward!