Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Score

Well today I sat down with our composer, Christy Carew, and listened to the latest tracks she has composed for the score of The Cypherian. I think everyone is going to be very impressed with her creativeness and hard work. The opening of the film really sets a great tone for the rest of the movie. Christy has worked very hard to give us a dramatic and exciting score to the film and she isn't done yet. Along with the opening I've heard the two musical pieces that set the mood for the middle of the film. As the explanation of our Hero's past and call to action begin to fall into place. I also got to sample elements to our antagonist's theme and the music which accompanies our lead actress. I can not wait to hear the rest of the score, and I know Christy is excited and anxious to continue working on the project.

I have also been working on our festival schedule. Reading just about every guide book and magazine article to determine where we will apply and hopefully succeed in bringing The Cypherian to the world. If anyone has suggestions please let me know. It really is amazing how many festivals there are in just North America alone. Luckily, through websites and information from former attendees, I have got a dozen right now with more to be researched in the time frame we hope to finish the film.

That is all for now, and I hope everyone is having a great Fall season so far. Until next time....Now Onward!


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