Monday, October 6, 2008

Screening Date Set for the New York Film Academy

Well everyone the film finally has a screening date with the NYFA on Friday Nov. 21 at 6pm on the Universal Studios Back Lot. The film will be shown as part of the Jan. 2008 Class presentation of their Year-One Projects. As for the film we have completed ADR work and are in Foley and Soundtrack preparations. Color grading and cinematic tweaks have been added to the film and we are just awaiting the final touches to make the movie complete. Right now we are running about 18mins which is great considering the original cut was quite larger than that. Also a festival schedule is being put together this week for distribution next month. Fun for all so be sure to sign up for the screening if you are not part of the cast and crew, but want to see it anyway. Just shoot me a comment or email and I'll see about getting you on the guest list once it becomes available to me. Thanks everyone. Now Onward!


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