Saturday, November 8, 2008


Thanks to the help of Christy Carew, Will Ogilvie, and Søren Viuf the post production on The Cypherian is now complete. We have the materials and list to begin sending out to festivals. Now comes the part I really, really hate...waiting. I'm taking a month off after the submissions, but we won't get any results back until Feb. of next year. Oh well I'll have to find other projects to keep myself busy. Maybe...write a feature or something who knows. All cast and crew members make sure you RSVP to me in order to attend the screening on Nov. 21, 2008. Why miss a chance to get onto the Universal Studios Back lot and see a few films at Screening room 3?

Again a big round of applause for our cast and crew and I'll talk to you all soon.

Now Onward!


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