Friday, November 7, 2008

Almost Time to Show the World

Good news everyone! The final soundtrack pieces have been complete. Big thanks to our brilliant composer Christy Carew and all the hard work she has put into this film over the last few weeks. The cut has currently been approved by the NYFA and we have a list of festivals to begin shooting the cut off to starting next week. I'm very excited to show the film to the cast and crew as soon as possible. Especially for those who cannot be here for the screening. Also I've begun putting the finishing touches on the personal DVDs that will be handed out to the cast and crew as well as family or friends who might want a copy. Tomorrow I head in to finalize sound design and record a few things for the DVD. I'll keep you all informed as to our final progress. This film represents the hard work and determination of so many people over the last three to four months. Almost unreal that everything came together as well as it did. Now I'm trying to turn the story into a feature length idea. Now the real hard work begins. Hope for the best everyone and I'll see you soon. Now onward!


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