Sunday, August 17, 2008

Rough Cut Almost Done

So its been three weeks since we wrapped on The Cypherian, and the rough cut is very close to being done. I've gone through several drafts according to the pile of burned DVD's sitting my desk. First cut was about 21 minutes long. Now we are down to under 19 without credits of course. Those I'm working on right now. I'm very happy with what we have created and early responses from the few scenes I've completed are in the positive area. Let us hope that is a good sign for the future of the project. After picture lock the film will get a soundtrack and added visual effects before finally getting mixed down into the final cut for screenings.

An extended trailer is also being cut right now for the graduation screening of our Producer Shannon Welch on August 29th or 30th. The school has yet to make up their mind about the date.

I start working on another film project directed by crew member Faizan Kareem. I'll be on a week-on week-off schedule until late October. Luckily I did not waste my time these past few weeks. Thanks go out to all of you who have been continuing to help and support me and the project since its creation. Check back in soon. Now onward!


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