Sunday, August 3, 2008

First Days of Editing

So its been almost two weeks since we started the production on "The Cypherian", and just under a week since we moved into post production. Here is where we are. ECSTATIC! I've gotten to take a closer look at all the footage and I am so happy with the results. Another round of applause for my cast and crew for helping me to to create this story. Of course now we move into the difficult part of putting it all together.

I had to wait a few more days then I wanted in order to get all the parts for my new computer, and get everything settled. Stupidly I forgot to add a wireless card to my computer which was just a simple click of a button, but some how I managed to miss it completely. So I had to run to the Mac Store and get one. Thing is Macs were never really made to be messed with by their owners. In fact when I got the card it was so small I thought they gave me the laptop card so I took it back. Turns out the same card for the laptop is also used in the tower models. Way to be cross compatible Mac! So I get back to install the thing which a Mac guy had to sit and explain how to do it for 20min. It was no cake run. Took me an hour to get the damn thing in. I even called Mac Support and they told me the part was not user installable. Well guess what MAC! I got it in and it works great so HA!

Anyway moving on I spent three hours downloading Mac updates and another three installing the editing software. Then finally I got to begin importing the footage into the program. This meant labeling and downloading the footage to the new computer. Day one ending with only one more card to import. By then I was ready to sleep.

On day two I woke up early and got the last bits in and began importing the audio. Now was the really boring part. Syncing all the clips with the correct audio. Always fun. This took about six hours. Afterward I took a long break and cleared my head. Now the fun begins

I ran through all the footage again trying to decide where to start. Then I thought why not just start at the beginning? Normally you get the smaller scenes out of the way first so you can spend the rest of the time on the more complicated scenes, but its not like I'm pressed for time. Though I don't have the voice overs yet I cut a rough edit of the opening sequence and began on the first dialog scene. Got about half way through and decided I had not all that day and stepped out of the house.

I loaded my ipod (Yes I know I own a lot of apple stuff) with a trailer music playlist I had been working on during the week and headed out. I already had some music in mind, but I want to put myself back in the editing mood. While at the store grabbing food one of the songs really jumped out at me. It was a number just over a minute I got off a friend in Anchorage a few years ago. I had not heard the track since then, but suddenly lines from the film began to jump into the music as I was listening. I put the song on repeat and listen to it the whole way home. By the time I got in the door I opened my laptop and starting writing the description and lines I would need to add into the voice over session I hope to have next week with Chris.

After a first draft I stepped away to eat dinner. Then I read through the script while listening to the music and it timed out almost perfectly. So at around 7:30pm I starting cutting. At around 11:30pm I had the first rough cut. I watched a few times and made corrections and at around 12:30am I watched it on my TV. It was an interesting experience watching these images. I've cut trailers before just for the hell it, because they are so driven by their music. Something about this one really got me excited. I've honestly seen this trailer in my head for years, and to see it in front of me last night, even with the stuff that still needs to be fixed, I couldn't help but watch it over and over again for at least 15min. The trailer is just over a minute if that says anything to you. I know I am a ways off from having a totally viewable trailer, but I have a trailer...and that just inspires me to no end. The Trailer will eventually be released publicly when original music is put to it. But we are a ways from that so bare with me. Now onward!


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