Monday, July 28, 2008

Day Six - Final Day of Shooting

Well it is of 9:45 pm "The Cypherian" has been wrapped. Great big thanks to all our cast and crew this week who have help to bring the story to life. For so long these characters have been rattling around in my head just waiting for the right moment to show themselves. With the help of this crew, we brought the ideas to screen in more ways than I imaged. I'll be taking a week off to get my bearings straight before I start looking at all the footage. My brain has been in over drive for the last six days and its needs a pit stop.

Again thanks to our cast:
Christopher Corbin, Maddie Bukowsky, Dylan Vox, Brett Weinstock, Vince Allen, Jeremiah Page, Jacob Newton, and Benjamin Watts for the terrific performances. Also thanks to Maddie's brother Sam Bukowsky who stepped up on Saturday to be an extra for one of the final scenes of the film.

Our crew:
Shannon Welch,
SΓΈren Viuf, Katherine Johnston, Shawn Aly, Nico Schwierz. Faizan Kareem, Bea Soto, Sol Kohli, Brian Lammert, Eva-Lena Karlsson Porscha Sims, Bret Watkins, Trevor Grace, Dan Parsons, and Melissia Fisher. You all were the best crew I could have wished for to make this film happen. Also thanks to Chris Johnston for providing us with the final indoor locations. My Parents for providing financial and moral support. Finally I'd also like to again thank my wife Katie for her love and support these last few years as we worked to make this film a reality. I'm sure I am forgetting people and I'm sorry, but this sounds like a long Oscar speech, but I'm just practicing. This film is going to be something big I can just feel it. Now I'm going to get some sleep. Love you all. Now onward!


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