Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day Four of Shooting

So another early day for some of the crew. Shannon, Søren, and myself were up at 5am to head out to a public yet remote location in Hollywood. Grabbing only the camera and tripod Søren and I hiked up the dirt hill above the Ford Amphitheater to the Hollywood Cross. If you have ever driven south on the 101 freeway into L.A. you will have scene this cross on the hill as you enter the bowl. It took almost two weeks to originally track down who owned this cross and get permission to use the image in the film, but really I wanted it and we got it. Afterward we broke for a few hours to take a nap and get some food before the rest of the cast and crew met back at Eylsian Park to shoot scenes 1 and 9.

Another hot day in the L.A. area as we set out to create a desert like feel to re-create our own view of the death of Christ. Don't worry we didn't nail anyone to a cross, but shot the hill where a CG image of the cruxifiction will be placed. Chris was given a longer beard by our talent makeup artist Brian Lammert, to play himself only two thousand years earlier. Dressed all in white with his symbol worn on his neck, he stands alone on a rock top looking at Christ and making the choice at that moment to never allow the Cypherian line to continue and vanish into the pages of history.

After lunch we came back to shoot scene 9 which is the final meeting between Servius and the Archangel Gabriel. Servius must decide whether or not he will once again rise to protect the girl and her child or let the world sort things out on its own. A big day for Chris, but at least he had gotten some sleep and came to set refreshed and ready to work. We returned to the area of the fight scene over looking L.A. and the shots came out looking great with Gabriel and Servius conversing with the city backdrop.

Tomorrow we head to the NYFA building and its parking garage to shoot scene 10. Perhaps I'll get my cameo in for my Hitchcock moment. You didn't think I would miss the opportunity to be in my own epic would you? Now onward!


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