Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day Two of Shooting

Back at La Cienega Park the crew assembled again for day two of shooting. It turned out to be one of the hotter days on set, because we spent a lot more time out of the shade. We began to setup for the first shot of the day to shoot scene 5 in front of the Film and Television Library when we were asked to move by the director of the building. Apparently the person who gave us the permission to shoot in front of the building, which is cover under our permit anyway, forgot to tell us they we could not shoot there until after 12pm due to a tour group coming through. Now wouldn't you think a tour group coming to see a library on film and TV would like the opportunity to see a movie being made right in front of them? I thought so, but the director of the library disagreed.

So to keep things moving we moved to our second setup around the corner for scene 6 of film and planned to come back to the other location after lunch. The move set us back quite a bit and we only had until 5 to get everything in. We had to try and add scene 3 into this day so that one our actors could attend a job he booked later in the week. So a little stress, but once we got the first shot off the day started going by without any issues.

Maddie and Chris were onset for their first meeting in the film. The park we shot in became a little problematic when a large summer camp of 4-year-olds setup just across from us, but we managed to get the dialog off before they began their screaming. I loved watching Maddie stand up to Chris on screen. She brings a very strong personality to the Amy character, and it goes great with Chris's character, Servius, because he is supposed to be an immortal who has lived for more than two thousand years, but he is still out witted by a 17-year-old.

On the production side of things I ran into a snag at the end of the day which forced me to leave set early and leave Shannon and
Søren in charge to wrap the day, which was very upsetting to me. I trust Shannon and Søren and they got some great stuff after I left, but I've never had to leave a production like that. Those responsible for me having to leave got a ear full from both me and Shannon the next few days, but they is a very long story so we'll just say it was handled and production will continue to go strong. I got to take a look at the dailies that evening and was on the edge of my seat watching some of the great stuff we've gotten so far. The acting is right on the money and the look is exactly where it needs to be. Tomorrow is the fight scene and I'm really excited because we are having a another camera being brought in to get some great coverage. Thanks Søren! Now onward!


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