Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day Three of Shooting

At 4:45am I awoke to get ready for day three of shooting. Today we were shooting scene 2 of and part of the opening of the film. This involved a big fight scene and a lot of area coverage for a long voice over in the beginning of the film as we introduce Chris's character, Servius, to the world. We got on set and the first shot was off at 8am in the Eylsian Park overlooking Los Angeles and Dodger Stadium. I was so happy to find this location because it created a perfect back drop for our fight with the city in clear view behind our characters. And by clear I mean as clear and smog will allow.

Chris was coming off a long night of work and with little to no sleep he was almost a zombie on set, but despite that he brought his A-Game and even added to the character's look and feel. I can't thank him enough as well as Jacob and Ben, our body guards, for the hard work they put into the fight choreography and working in the hot sun for almost 8 hours. By the end both cast and crew were covered with dirt and sweat and ready to get some sleep.

I big thanks to
SΓΈren's friend Dan Parsons who came out with his HVX camera and provide great coverage for the fight. Without two cameras this day would have been a lot longer I think. Also a big thanks to my crew. We were down three people from the previous two days, but they worked their asses off and got the job done.

Before I wrap this up I wanted to mention that I got to look at the dailies from today, and took a look at what we called the "Hero" shot of Servius. This is the world's introduction to Servius and the combination of movement and light on the shot was so thrilling to watch I know we are going to do great things with this story and I can't wait o sit down and edit the whole thing. Once again big thanks to the cast and crew for a great day. We are half way through and its hard to believe all that we have accomplished in such a short amount of time. Tomorrow we are back at the park to shoot the main opening of the film and the third to last of the film also with our Archangel Gabriel played by Brett Weinstock. Now onward!


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