Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Story

Hello all,

This is D.K. Johnston the writer and director of a new short entitled "The Cypherian". This is a dramatic action film set in modern times. What is a Cypherian you ask? The Cypherian is a title given to chosen humans to represent the powers of Heaven and Hell on earth. Since the dawn of mankind the powers decided that if man was to have the gift of free will then there should be certain influences in the world to prevent them from wiping each other out. These influences were men blessed with god-like powers to be the representatives of Heaven and Hell. One such representative was named Servius, and he was charged with the protection of Jesus Christ. When Christ was killed for our sins, Servius turned his back on the powers and mankind disappearing into the pages of history.

Refusing to give up his power, Servius has lived among us in hopes that the powers would see that mankind did not need their influence to survive. As a result hell was no longer allowed to recruit other representatives. The world since has remain unprotected and unchecked.

Today the powers have sought to convince Servius to take up the position he once abandoned. A new child is being born into the world. One that will, once again, influence mankind on a biblical scale. But this time the powers have had no influence in creating this child. To make matters worse a family on earth, who has been searching for the Cypherian since the crusades, has become aware of the child and plans to use it against Servius in hopes of gaining his power.

Servius must now chose to let mankind's fate unfold on its own, or take up his former position and help protect the next influential child and its mother.

We've got a great cast of actors from all over the LA area and we look forward to getting started this July. The film is being produced through the New York Film Academy MFA Program and will be screening in late November. Wish us luck and see you on the big screen.


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